Building A PRO Program Resources
Creating a reliable and sustainable system for managing PRO data requires some up-front preparation, but when implemented well, it can become one of your biggest patient care assets. From understanding the costs and selecting the right PRO tools, to successfully utilizing the data – CODE has created tools that help walk people through each step of the process.
Guides On Building A PRO Program
The Risks Of Building A PRO Program Through An EHR
We’ve developed a concise two-page resource that delves into the common issues we see, providing a high-level discussion toolkit for those considering building PROMs via an EHR.
Top 10 Questions To Ask PRO Vendors
A list of questions to help evaluate which patient-reported outcome vendor can best help you meet your data collection goals.
Raising the Bar: A Guide to Orthopedic Benchmarking
Spearheading an Outcomes Program | 8 Step Guide
Taking a PRO program from concept to reality is a huge endeavor. This guide prepares you for each milestone you'll hit on the way to launching your program.
Blog Posts On Building A PRO Program
Optimizing Trauma PRO Collection & Utilization | A Client Success Story
Orthopedic trauma is a challenging area to measure the quality of care. Patients typically arrive in the ER with little warning and may have other...
Quality Metrics with PRO Response Rate Requirements Case Study
From A Struggling Paper PRO Collection Program To A Record Breaking Survey Response Rate In healthcare, value is king. That's why outcome data...
Tackle Conferences like a PRO
PRO Tips For Conference Season Conferences- not only are they a great opportunity to generate sales and learn about the latest developments in your...
Patient-Reported Outcome Survey Response Rates – What You Need To Know
Patient-reported outcome surveys are used for a multitude of reasons from internal research and quality improvement to programs such as Joint...
What You Need to Know Before Using Your EHR to Collect and Report Patient-Reported Outcome Data
A Note From CODE: We are thrilled to welcome Joe Greene, Founder and CEO of OrthoVise, to the blog. Joe is a thought leader on the topic of...
Building Your Patient-Reported Outcome Program
So you want to start an outcome program. In today’s healthcare market, creating a patient-reported outcome program is quickly transitioning from...
What are Patient-Reported Outcomes?
Put simply, Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) measures are a set of validated, standardized questions that are filled out by the patient both before...
How CODE Creates a Sustainable Process for Collecting PRO Data
Our goal is to help you develop a sustainable Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) program CODE Technology is a full-service outcomes platform that...
Top 5 Most Common Mistakes Made in Patient-Reported Outcomes Programs
While collecting patient outcomes, you may make mistakes like keeping only overall survey score, choosing more than 1 answer and asking too much.
Schedule A Call With a PRO Expert!
Need more help with your PRO related questions? CODE can help! Schedule a call with a CODE expert today to get you on your way to better harnessing your patient reported outcomes.