The Two Faces of Surgeon Scorecard: Part II

Oct 9, 2015


The Case For the Scorecard

Earlier, in Part I, we discussed the shortcomings of the current surgeon scorecards available to patients. Even with said shortcomings, the effort is still understood as a “well-intended” initiative in the new health care landscape.

“Without a doubt, this data is incomplete. ProPublica and others could only analyze the existing public data, which, at this point, is the CMS billing data. It does however provide a huge sample size (more than 2 million records were reviewed) and is an excellent starting point.” Read more at- Who’s Afraid of the Surgeon Scorecard?

Surgeon Scorecard ProPublica

AAOS Editor Eeric Truumees recent article in the September 2015 Journal addresses the scorecard specific to orthopedic surgeons,   “Maybe our discomfort with the ProPublica Surgeon Scorecard comes from the fact that we were not involved in its methodology and we understand the limitations of its data source. But its publication should stimulate us to move our own reporting and safety mechanisms into high gear.” – Surgeons Get Graded: Your Report Card Is Online

So while the system may not be perfect, this is a clear indication of the direction healthcare is heading. For surgeons to refute surgeon scorecards of present or future, they must be able to provide evidence. That evidence can be found via the collection of functional patient-reported outcomes. “There is no substitute for measuring actual outcomes, whose principal purpose is not comparing providers but enabling innovations in care. -Porter “What Is Value in Health Card”


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