In the News: MIPS Exemptions Grow to More Than 800,000
If there’s one thing that’s certain in healthcare, especially right now, it’s that everything is uncertain.
Can Benchmarking Boost a Physician Referral Program?
How is your physician referral program doing? Find out how benchmarking can help improve it.
How ORA Orthopedics Uses Benchmarking Reports to Improve
ORA Orthopedics is just one of the many organizations collecting PROs with CODE that is having great success with its program.
Does BMI Matter in Total Joint Surgery?
Are patient weight and size among the patient-specific factors that affect orthopedic outcomes in regards to implant surgery?
Co-Founders Note: Why Orthopedic Benchmarking is Important
The medical community needs to use data to define what “good” is. Benchmarking will be one of the most critical components in helping us come up with that definition.
A Guide to Orthopedic Patient-Reported Outcome Benchmarking
Who says space is the final frontier? Here at CODE Technology, there’s a new frontier and it’s known as benchmarking.
New! Acronym Cheat Sheet
So many acronyms, so little time. When dealing with PROS there’s a lot of information to process and it’s easy to get all of the medical acronyms confused.
How CODE Calculates PRO Capture Rate
CODE Technology is very proud of our capture rate. We maintain 80-90% across all data intervals. But how does CODE calculate capture rate? What does that 80-90% really mean?
New! PRO Vendor Checklist – Questions and Answers
Are you shopping for a Patient-Reported Outcome vendor? This checklist is a must!
Yelp: A Growing Physician Review Site You Can’t Ignore
Like it or not, there’s a wealth of physician review sites available online 24/7.
Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS)
The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) passed by Congress in 2015, removed the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) assessment used to control Medicare spending. This change removed the requirement of Congress voting on and authorizing changes to the physician fee schedule. The Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) transitioned into the Quality Payment Program (QPP). Medicare now rewards high-value, high-quality Medicare clinicians with payment increases – while at the same time reducing payments to those clinicians who are not meeting performance standards.
In the News: Shared Decision Making + PROs = Better Outcomes
Does shared decision making between doctor and patient actually improve the patient’s outcome?