LIVE from the Interdisciplinary Value-Based Heathcare Conference – Jan 21 & 22

Jan 18, 2017



There was a time when getting a Google alert for patient-reported outcomes or value-based healthcare was a rare occurrence. Not the case anymore.

Some of this chatter can be attributed to the sense of permanence CJR has brought to bundled payments in orthopedics. Makes sense. Bundles are new and everyone is trying to figure out what they mean and how they work. However, at the same time, there is a group of people advocating that in order to set a target price for an episode of care, you must first quantify the value a procedure brings to the patient.

With ‘value’ moving to the forefront of healthcare news, one of the coolest things to come out of this evolution is how many smart people are putting brainpower behind the subject. Michael Porter started by publishing the value equation (Value=Outcomes/Cost) and then created an entire program dedicated to value in healthcare at Harvard. Because of him, insanely bright professionals (many of whom you’ll meet soon) are learning how to walk the walk and then, in turn, contribute to the conversation and teach others.

(Promise, we’ll get to the point here real quick)
Because of its popularity, value-based care has been the topic of conversation at many healthcare conferences of late. It’s why we went to AAHKS in November 2016, and it was definitely top of mind in many presentations at the Digital Orthopaedic Conference hosted by UCSF in January 2017. But until recently, there really wasn’t enough content to warrant a conference of its very own.

Speakers at #LeadingVBHC

Not the case anymore — The American College of Perioperative Medicine has made it happen. This weekend, the brightest minds in healthcare will be in the same room, sharing their knowledge and enlightening an eager crowd at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Orthopedic Value Based Care – aptly shorted to #LeadingVBHC.

One of the really special things about this conference is the strategic focus on teams. Everything we read in the media, the conversations we hear at conferences, the input we hear from our clients, etc. — all of these representative dialogues illuminate a single, defining theme: Succeeding in a value-based world requires a team.

So, the organizers of the OVBC conference have curated a diverse crop of speakers ranging from surgeons to anesthesiologists, nurses to administrators, and OR directors to hospital executives. With topics ranging from CJR to enhanced recovery, the workshop-style tracks (on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons) are designed specifically for participants to ask questions and think about how these concepts can be put in place in their organization.

Facebook Live

While the conference now is sold out, we have great news! CODE is taking over the American College of Perioperative Medicine’s facebook page & bringing the conference to you live! Seriously, that amazing little app called Facebook Live you keep seeing ads for during NFL football is going to help us make sure you don’t miss a beat!

Beyond just the live stream, CODE has picked some of our favorite talks and will be interviewing the speakers throughout the day over on our own Facebook page. We hope you take away as much as you can from this exclusive content and follow along throughout the weekend.

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Need more help with your PRO related questions? CODE can help! Schedule a call with a CODE expert today to get you on your way to better harnessing your patient reported outcomes.