Celebrating a New Partnership with Regions Hospital Orthopaedic Trauma Center CODE is proud to announce the partnership with...
Patient Reported Outcomes
Hope Orthopedics of Oregon Partners with CODE Technology for Practice-Wide Patient-Reported Outcomes Program
CODE is thrilled to welcome Hope Orthopedic of Oregon to the elite group of organizations who are serious about collecting PROs at the highest capture rate.
What You Need to Know Before Using Your EHR to Collect and Report Patient-Reported Outcome Data
A Note From CODE: We are thrilled to welcome Joe Greene, Founder and CEO of OrthoVise, to the blog. Joe is a thought leader on...
Start Simple: How CODE Prepares You for Integration
What is Integration? We collect patient-reported outcomes as a service and handle almost everything within our internal systems,...
CODE Technology + OAM = A Match Made in Michigan
CODE Technology + OAM = A Match Made in Michigan Proving its strong commitment to delivering the best patient experience...
Paul Bruning on Exploring the Real Value of Patient-Reported Outcomes
Value-based healthcare is a trending concept, but can sometimes be confusing when used interchangeably with quality. These are often expressed as meaning the same thing, yet each is very different.
Easily Submit Data to MARCQI
with CODE Technology
Participation in MARCQI (Michigan Arthroplasty Registry Collaborative Quality Initiative) is a requirement of the Blue Distinction Center (BDC) of Excellence for Knee and Hip surgery. If you want to submit data to MARCQI, the process may be very time consuming – every survey must be entered one question at a time noting the score and patient information. Some CODE clients have reported this is a painstaking process and feels like it takes forever to complete the process for eligible patients.
How ORA Orthopedics is Using SMS to Improve Their PRO Capture Rate
When you think of cutting-edge technology, PROs probably aren’t at the top of the list. But that’s where you might be surprised.
How ORA Orthopedics Uses Benchmarking Reports to Improve
ORA Orthopedics is just one of the many organizations collecting PROs with CODE that is having great success with its program.
How CODE Calculates PRO Capture Rate
CODE Technology is very proud of our capture rate. We maintain 80-90% across all data intervals. But how does CODE calculate capture rate? What does that 80-90% really mean?
New! PRO Vendor Checklist – Questions and Answers
Are you shopping for a Patient-Reported Outcome vendor? This checklist is a must!
Badass Women in Health Tech: Breanna Cunningham, CEO of CODE Technology
What a great honor! Our good friends over at Redox interviewed our very own Breanna Cunningham, CEO of CODE Technology, and they’ve given her the official title of “Badass Women in Health Tech.”