PRO Tips For Conference Season Conferences- not only are they a great opportunity to generate sales and learn about the latest...
Patient Reported Outcomes
Patient-Reported Outcome Survey Response Rates – What You Need To Know
Patient-reported outcome surveys are used for a multitude of reasons from internal research and quality improvement to programs...
Tegner Activity Scale (TAS)
What is the Tegner Activity Scale? The Tegner Activity Scale (TAS) is a self-administered patient-reported measure that...
Kujala Score
A comprehensive overview of the Kujala Score; this includes strengths, considerations and licensing information.
The Foot and Ankle Disability Index (FADI)
What is the Foot and Ankle Disability (FADI)? The Foot and Ankle Disability Index (FADI) is a self-administered patient-reported...
Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS)
What is the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS)? The Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) is a patient-reported outcome survey...
Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)
What is the PHQ-9? The Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) is a self-administered, validated survey developed to assess and...
Hand PRO Tools – Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ)
The Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ) is a patient-reported outcome survey that is used to measure symptom severity and...
Single-Item Literacy Screener (SILS) Questionnaire
What is the Single-Item Literacy Screener (SILS) Questionnaire? The Single-Item Literacy Screener (SILS) is a single question...
Patient Activation Measure (PAM)®
Patient Activation Measure® (PAM®) Survey The Patient Activation Measure (PAM) was created to identify which patients may need...
Pediatric QuickDASH
The tools in this guide on Pediatric QuickDASH are the most popular measures in the CODE universe. They also happen to be..
PROMIS® Pediatric & Parent Proxy Profile
The tools in this guide on PROMIS® Pediatric & Parent Proxy Profile are the most popular measures in the CODE universe…